Empowering Domestic Violence
and Sexual Assault Survivors
Emergency Hotline 919-497-5444

Available Services

Court Advocacy
Safe Space court advocates provide assistance in filing for protective orders, information about the court system and court process, and emotional support to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault as they pursue civil and criminal remedies to domestic violence and sexual assault.

Domestic Violence /
Sexual Assault
Safe Space provides advocacy, options counseling, resources, and referrals for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Safe Space works in conjunction with law enforcement, hospitals, and medical personnel to maintain confidentiality and safety for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors.

Safe Space operates a 13-bed shelter for survivors of domestic violence and their children. The shelter is located in a secure and confidential location.
In addition to emergency shelter, Safe Space offers residents the following services: safety planning, case management, trauma counseling, and much more.

Resource Referrals
If desired, Safe Space can provide survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault with assistance in seeking services from other local service providers.
Often, this assistance includes an advocate directly contacting a social worker, mental health clinician, doctor, employer, teacher, or other professionals in the community.

Youth Advocacy
The Rural Youth Development Coordinator addresses the needs of children who witness or are survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. The children’s group provides age-appropriate information about domestic violence and sexual assault, while also offering self-esteem-building activities and opportunities for children to share their feelings about the abuse they have experienced or witnessed. Screening tools are used by the Coordinator to determine a child’s need for counseling and other services.

Community Education
Safe Space offers educational activities, events, and presentations focused on increasing community awareness and prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault. Presentations are provided to local churches, civic groups and community members.
Professional training is made available to various service providers in our community, including law enforcement and human service workers. Other community education efforts include special presentations to K-12 students on domestic and dating violence, and on school bullying. Safe Space also offers public events during Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October) and for Sexual Assault Awareness/ Child Abuse Prevention Month (April).