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Domestic Violence

Also known as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) or Domestic Abuse


What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence describes a pattern of behavior that a person uses to coerce, dominate, and manipulate another. It can take place between romantic partners or other household members. Behaviors can range from threats and intimidation to death. The effects of these behaviors are long-lasting and has individual, family, community, and society-level consequences.

There are many types, including: physical, sexual, emotional, financial, spiritual, and psychological violence. 

Who is affected?

Domestic violence does not discriminate. It occurs among all ages, economic levels, genders, and races. The most at-risk demographic is women between the ages of 18-24.

20% of domestic violence-related homicide victims were friends, family, law enforcement agents, and other bystanders murdered when trying to intervene.


Why do victims stay?

Survivors face many barriers to leaving abusive relationships.

Barriers may include: 

  • Fear of escalating or retaliatory behaviors from the abuser

  • Custody concerns

  • Lack of social support/Isolation 

  • Fear of homelessness/Poverty

  • Religious or cultural beliefs

Abusers also maintain their dominance through a cycle of power and control which acts to disempower, intimidate, and demoralize their victims.

Warning Signs


Does your partner...
  • Act jealous of your friends and family?

  • Insult or demean you?

  • Preventing you from socializing?

  • Control or attempt to control your finances?

  • Discourage you from working?  

  • Try to make your decisions for you?

  • Pressure you to engage in sexual activity you are not comfortable with?

  • Pressure you to engage in sexual activity when you don’t want to?

  • Threaten your children, family members, friends, pets, or other loved ones?

  • Criticize or remove your decision-making abilities?

  • Criticize your parenting skills?

  • Intimidate you with their social or professional connections?

  • Own weapons?

  • Hit, choke, shove, kick, pinch, or make any unwanted physical contact?

  • Pressure you to engage in substance use?

  • Destroys or threatens to destroy property or sentimental objects?

  • Isolate you from your support system?


Safe Space Inc.,

Follow Us

Safe Space is a non-profit organization that is committed to reducing relationship violence and sexual assault in Franklin County, North Carolina and nearby communities. Since 1995, we have assisted hundreds of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors and their children. Visit our services page to learn more about what we do.

Emergency Hotline


Advocacy Center

118 A North Main Street
Louisburg, NC NC 27549

Mailing Address

PO BOX 240

Louisburg, NC 27549

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© 2021 by NC Safe Space Inc.,

Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 56-2009319

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